ZEEKO gets advanced IoT upgrade and health and hygiene monitoring zCare product added
ZEEKO suite gets a new leaf added into it zCare. With the pandemic around, everyone is worried about health and hygiene.
ZEEKO gets extended with zGalley for orders management in kitchen
ZEEKO suite gets another important leaf added. zGalley is a simple yet comprehensive configurable piece of technology that does more than placate guests
zPOS application with waiter and guest facing mobile apps launched
Logisoft & Samola launches their end-to-end commercial product to manage the point of sale. zPOS brings you a single system that can be configured...
zView (KUDOS) launched in Oceania & Regent ships
Logisoft & Samola together complete the first product, the first feather in ZEEKO suite. A completely configurable campaigning and feedback management system...